Why Do We Separate Surf and Swimming Zones?

Lifeguards at the city beaches in California designate certain areas of each beach for surfing and swimming. With each in their separate area. There are several reasons for this separation, but each reason is to improve the safety of beachgoers both with and without a surfboard in the water. When learning surfing you will want to be familiar with these sanctioned zones.

At the surf school, we’re asked several times per day why swimmers are being asked to come out of the water by lifeguards. The surf zone is not the ideal place to hang out in the shallow water because it’s a safety hazard. The lifeguards require everyone remains in their zone to avoid accidents and injuries. We have seen on several occasions a surfer finishing a section on a wave or lacking the control to turn over the lip, causing their board to run into a swimmer or young boogie boarder. With the fins on the board and the board itself being pretty hard this can be dangerous.

Although there are designated surf schools in these areas with water safety specialist trained surf instructors, it is not a good idea to bring children into the surf zone and especially around surfing lessons. The lifeguards stay on top of keeping swimmers and waders out of rip currents all over the beach, bringing a child near a surfing lesson does not mean that they are going to have the attention of a water safety specialist who is attending to their surf student.

If you are visiting the beaches in California and you have any questions regarding the designated surf and swim zones, you may reach out to the local city lifeguards. Always feel free if you’re in San Diego to give us here at Pacific Surf School a shout with any questions as well, we are more than happy to assist in keeping everyone safe out in the water.

As always, visit Pacificsurf.com/surf-lessons if you’re interested in booking a surfing lesson with us.

Check us out on Instagram @pacificsurfsandiego

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