Surf Etiquette

Observing the correct surf etiquette keeps you from injuries. Besides, observing surfing etiquette protects other beach users. Therefore, before you set foot on the beach for your surfing lessons, take time to learn the important surf etiquette. 

This post highlights surfing etiquette to guarantee you a safe and fun-filled surf experience.  

Know and Stick To Where You Belong

A beginner should not paddle out to the middle of a packed lineup. Otherwise, you will get the stink-eye multiple times! 

If you are a beginner, go out to a less crowded beginner surfing spot. Sticking to surf sports that suit your abilities is the easiest way to learn and enjoy surfing.  

Observe Right of Way 

if there are multiple surfers in the water and heading towards a common wave, the surfer closest to the wave and peak of that wave has the right of way. 

If you are catching a wave on the right-hand side of its peak and a surfer to your left is trying to catch the same wave, this surfer has priority, and you must give way! 

However, there are some variations to this rule. 

If a surfer is already up on his feet and riding the shoulder, but you are the one closer to the peak, do not do a late take-off between the surfer and the peak. Ideally, even where you are more profound and have a longer wave ride, the first surfer to get on his feet gets the right of way. 

Avoid Dropping In 

A drop-in occurs when a surfer paddles for and catches a wave that another surfer is already riding. Professional surfers consider a drop-in as a bad practice. However, the rule may not apply when surfing with friends. Note that dropping in on strangers could result in being reported to the authorities in charge or even attract the use of foul language, which lures your experiences. In the worst case, a drop in causes accidents. 

Avoid Snaking 

Snaking refers to paddling around another surfer to give yourself the right of way over a wave. The right of way rule applies and helps avoid creeping in. ignoring the surfer who already has the right of way and giving yourself the right, of course, makes you the snake! 

Avoid Throwing Surf Boards

A surfboard is a dangerous weapon to you and other surfers and those around you. To avoid throwing aboard, always wear a leash. If you kick out or wipe out, make an effort and control your board. Remember, surfboards can even result in death if they hit critical body parts. 

Communicate What You Intend To Do 

If you are surfing with a friend and in the middle of a peak and the wave opens on both sides in an A-Frame wave, be sure to tell your friend where you intend to go. Otherwise, there shall be confusion, and the wave ends up wasted. Besides, you could collide with each other, causing an accident. 

Communicating allows other surfers sufficient time to get out of your way or decide to go the opposite direction to avoid any accidents. 

Dive Safely

Do not dive headfirst. The ocean floor could hurt the scalp, causing death. Use the surfboard to protect the impact and protect your head with your arms whenever you fall off the board or wipe out. Besides, always plan your dive and stick to the original plan.

Be Kind To the Environment

Learn to use washrooms and give Mother Nature the respect she deserves. Do not dispose of garbage items off at the beach unless a bin is provided. Pick the snacks wrapping and any plastic bottles after you conclude the surfing lessons. 

Carry Yourself In a Respectable Manner 

To command respect from other surfers, you ought to act in a manner that communicates to them you should be taken seriously. Therefore, observe the right of way, communicate on time, and observe all the surfing rules. 


Your safety begins with observing the surfing rules. Besides, if you aspire to become a professional surfer, you must learn and follow the surf rules. Keep in mind the priority rules in the waves and prioritize your safety and that of fellow surfers.  

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